Best Talk in Town Live Show

Best Talk in Town LIVE Show
Every Tuesday from 10.30 pm Dubai GST on TikTok.

Best Talk in Town goes LIVE every Tuesday from 10.30 pm Dubai GST on TikTok.

I talk about relationships, online dating, how we navigate the dating scene in 2022 and beyond, what men what, what women want, how we manage expectations, dating tips, relationship advice, and so much more. And there is definitely a lot of Q&A.

The show’s debut was in podcast format on March 23, 2022. I used to have a guest for most of the episodes. I uploaded 23 episodes until I realized that my exposure on Spotify and all the other channels is so limited, and to reach a large audience, I will have to spend even more time (something that I don’t have much) and financial resources.

In different words, my podcasts are sitting on an Apple or Spotify shelf full of dust.
Not much exposure, engagement, or reach.

Therefore in July, I decided to put the podcast on hold.
However, something else interesting happened that I didn’t plan at all. I started using TikTok in January this year and figured I could keep my show alive with a weekly LIVE TikTok.

And on this platform, I have exposure and engagement and can reach a much larger audience – plus, I can even monetize (eventually!)

Therefore here I am – LIVE every TUESDAY from 10.30 pm onwards,

All you have to do is go on TikTok and follow my account

If you are not on TikTok, it is very easy to create an account.
And by the way, this is a platform that I severely underestimated & judged for a few years until this January. Because when people don’t understand something, they judge. This is our human nature, and as open and innovative as I am, sometimes I am very closed-minded.

But currently, I am convinced that this app is the most revolutionary and life-changing. Also controversial as there is a lot of toxicity there. But when you build a business, negativity comes with the territory, and it’s part of the journey. All you need is a thick skin and keep things moving towards achieving your goals.

And we also have a choice: whether to ride the wave or be left behind.
Just think about it.

I publish this on my blog and Medium because even if I am based in Dubai, my audience can easily be global. Everyone is welcome.

This is not even an article per se; it is more like an invitation to be part of the show.

I hope to see you there.

Much Love,

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