How to be a badass woman

How To Be A Badass In Your 40s And Beyond
No Excuses Accepted.

Remember the first paragraph of my previous article 40 Lessons I learned Until I Reachd 40

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an adult to be free and not depend on my parents. Then I grew up, and I reached my 20s, and looking at my 30s, it looked far away and “old.” In my 30s, the 40s seemed again far and “older.” Now that I am 40, when I look at 50, I think about women like J Lo, Gwen Stefani, or Salma Hayek. It doesn’t look that old anymore, but getting older is synonymous with being fit, sexy, attractive, tight skin, super active, successful, and accomplished. 

A while ago, I shared as an IG story a photo of Salma Hayek, at 54, in bikinis with a killer body and flawless face.

I bet there was a little Photoshop here and there, but most of these images are like this. However, if pictures can lie, videos don’t. So women like her and many others are indeed killing in, and they are not 40; they are 50 and above.

What does this say? No excuses in your 40s.

After posting the story, a girl wrote to me saying, “of course, she is loaded with cash – If I had her money, I would look the same.”

I’m afraid I have to disagree. I have so many examples of women with regular incomes, and they look gorgeous in their 40s.

But as usual, finding excuses is more convenient than moving our lazy ass to the gym or not barging in the fridge every night at 2 pm.

Fifty years ago or more, most women did not have access to the technology and the products we have today, and still, many of them looked great and were very well maintained. However, I find the previous decades more excusable for self-care.

The last 20-30 years worked in our favor by producing so many services and products that will make us shine, not to mention the advancement of cosmetic surgery.

How To Be A Badass In Your 40s And Beyond

There is no magic formula, and it is called common sense, the desire to still feel and look fresh and keep your body, mind, and spirit, no matter if you are single, married, a mother, divorced, or in a relationship. 

Because you are a WOMAN, God’s creation – for Fuck sake!

Everything starts from your vibe. If your energy and vibration are low, all areas of your life will be affected. So start by having a positive attitude towards life. I mean, we are all swimming in the same waters: all getting old, going towards the finish line. So instead of being pessimistic and having no enthusiasm, choose to make your life beautiful. You only have one. Choose to live it. 

Like it or not, the gym is one of your best friends; if you invest in it, you will never have something to lose. Suppose you can afford a personal trainer – even better. 

Make a routine and go no matter what. Work your schedule around it and make sure that 4-6 times a week you spend 1 hour/workout in the gym.

And if you start in your 20s or 30s, you will see the difference in your 40s, trust me.

I am not saying to diet, I don’t believe in this, but I think 100% in clean eating, with cheat meals and some of your favorite dishes or sweets to indulge in between. The last ones are for your soul.

What you put in your body defines you. It is also challenging for me because I LOVE to eat. 

I noticed many women that at the end of their 30s, they start to act and look like grandmas, like they gave up on life, and 40 is the end.

If back in the time, you were in your prime in your 30s, now it’s the 40s without a doubt.

I know genetics always has something to say, but we have many tools to help nature. 

Keep it nice and clean but sexy and good-looking. Less is always more.

Having friends and doing stuff with them keeps you active and rejuvenated.

When I was 20 or younger, I also believed people at 40 would be crawling, and sex would be out of the question. Now that I am here, I am laughing my ass off. First of all, we are not crawling, and second, sex is 1000% better than it was 10 or 20 years ago.

As long as you are with the proper partenr/s, sex is one of the best activities. I am not giving you the formula to do it three times/day (well, whatever makes you happy: DDD), but getting it regularly is healthy; it keeps you mentally sane and your skin glowing. 

Nothing to exaggerate on this one. A lot can happen when you are 25. However, doing your checkups and taking collagen and other vitamins can only keep you in shape and worry-free.

I hope you have learned how to say NO by now. If not, keep practicing. When you say NO to what is not serving you, you will say YES to yourself. I know it is hard until you get used to it but work on it if you have this problem. I learned to say more NO in my late 30s, and it is empowering. Miracles are happening, and guess what: after I say NO, the word does not end.

Damn! These two pleasures of life. Nobody says you have to be drunk from morning until dawn and smoke two packs of cigarettes every day. 

I stopped smoking a long time ago, but I still vape once in a while, and I enjoy having a glass of wine or prosecco a few times every week.

It’s not bad as it makes me happy. 

But in general, if you abuse it is a killer for your skin, so try to stay away as much as you can, especially from cigarettes.

The people around me and my friends have very different ages, from 25 up to 60. And they all bring different valuable things to the table.

The ones my age or the older are wiser, and the younger ones are up to all the trends. 

Keep your mind, body, and spirit active and updated with everything that is happening. 

There is a book called IKIGAI which describes why Japanese people have the highest longevity rate in the world. And one of the things that are mentioned there is “they never retire” Food for thought, right?
How Do I Manage To Be A Badass In My 40s?
I can’t be described as beautiful, and I never was. But I look good, and I always took care of myself, which made me attractive to other women and plenty of men.

When I tell people I am 40, they are shocked, and they ask me what the secret is because I look around 30-35 max.

My Routine Is Nothing Special, No Magic Formula, Only The Below:

  • Workout 4-5 times/week
  • Watch what I eat but also treat myself because I am a foodie.
  • Drink wine a few times/week
  • Try to stay away from cigarettes and the vape 
  • Work my ass off in the agency and for this blog 
  • Go on dates 
  • Spend quality time with my girlfriends 
  • Spend precious time with me 
  • I read books, and I always stay informed
  • Constantly learn new things, especially career-related 
  • Dance salsa a few times/month 
  • Have an active sexual life 
  • MOISTURIZE – morning & evening. And always take off my makeup
  • Botox and fillers 1-2 / year 
  • At the salon: monthly massage, manicure, pedicure, facial 
  • I sleep 6-8 hours/night.
  • Not drinking enough water … but I am working on it 😀
  • Wear (not excessive) makeup and dress nicely every day. 

It looks like a lot. And my schedule is already hectic. 

But like I said, no excuses. It’s routine. It’s a lifestyle. It’s common sense. It’s life. 

If you are a badass in your 40s, I would love to hear about your routine.

If you are in your 40s and lost your motivation, send me an email. I could offer plenty of help and support through my coaching sessions. 

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