How To Be A Badass In Your 40s And Beyond </br><span style='color: #706a6a;font-size:20px;'>No Excuses Accepted.</span>
Remember the first paragraph of my previous article 40 Lessons I learned Until I Reachd 40 When I was a kid, I wanted to be an adult to be free and not depend on my parents. Then I grew up, and I reached my 20s, and looking at my 30s, it looked far away and “old.” […]
How To Set Up A New Moon Ceremony </br><span style='color: #706a6a;font-size:20px;'>A portal to the Universe </span>
Probably you are thinking: another moon, another ceremony, another ritual. I mean, we are talking about vision boards, therapy, visualization, meditation, mindfulness, and motivational cards. It seems exhausting and looks like it takes quite a lot of time. I am proposing this small ceremony because it takes 1 hour of your time every month. You don’t […]