Toxic Relationships

From Honey to Poison

Ivy' Secret Garden
07.00 - 09.00 PM

Wednesday, August 31 2022

AED 130 (includes 1 non-alcoholic drink)

Toxic relationships event
How did we get there? How do we go out? How do we heal faster?

Resonate with the title? Have you ever been there? 

I have. Been there, done that, and I know how it feels. And it’s damn painful. But I also know that there is always a way to get out and there is also a way to heal. 

But let me ask you: are you currently in such a partnership that is eating you alive? Feeling drained and exhausted? Do you have the feeling there is no way out? 

Well, I have news. There is ALWAYS a way out. And it’s never too late. 

This event is for both men and women as toxicity has no gender. Most times, we say women suffer because of dysfunctional relationships.

Equally, men do too. So let’s be fair here, be open and help each other 🙂 

Whether discussing narcissistic mental disorder, codependency, borderline behaviors, or toxic, broken relationships, this space is for all of us.

We will talk about how it all started, the red flags we ignored and why, how we escaped, the lessons we learned, and for those currently dealing with this mess – what is the way out? How can we support and help? 

Let’s all get together for an open, honest conversation in a safe space, where there is no room for judging or questioning but for guiding and empowering.

And by the way if you are not dealing with a toxic partner but a toxic boss, colleague, friend or a family member, you are still more than welcome. At the end toxicity is … toxicity. 

Much Love,


What to expect

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