The Power is Within You – January Edition

Bounty Beets

From a Human Design Perspective

January 21 - 2023

Human Design
A holistic concept that its main purpose is to align your mind, body, and soul.

We should not wait for the end of a year or the beginning of another to plan, set goals and intentions or work on our self-development. 

Our lives should be a continuous and never-ending journey of improvement and discovery. 

But hey – The reality is that we are closing a chapter – 2022 – and we are opening a brand new one – 2023. Plus, on January 21, we are celebrating the first New Moon, one of the most powerful days of the lunar cycle. Therefore why not take advantage and rock those intentions but this time in a nonconventional way, as our event will also have a Human Design component? 

Therefore there are 2 Steps to setting your goals: 


You need to know who you truly are, what your essence is, and what your purpose is – and this is where Human Design comes on stage to help and guide and bring more clarity.


Knowing who you are will help you understand and acknowledge what you want and what is beneficial to serve you in this life – and here comes our Intentions Settings part. 

Our cozy little gathering will start with a grounding exercise and a yoga session in the early morning to boost our energy. 

After a lovely coffee break, we will continue with a Human Design session where each participant will receive a 10-Page document.

As soon as we are done, we will jump into setting those intentions. 

We will finalize this event with a delicious lunch and a networking session.

All in the beautiful venue of Bounty Beets in Le Meridien Hotel in Dubai Marina.

And, of course, the event will be run by Iris and Daniela, your spiritual guides.

Side note – never heard of Human Design

Let me explain you the beauty of it ➝ 

Our daily lives have become so “nosy” and “crowded” we are drowning in a never-ending routine. We almost forgot who we are or what is our real purpose on Earth.

Even worse, the sad reality is that so many people live not knowing who they truly are and what their purpose is. 

Human Design’s goal is to guide and support you in discovering the essence and uniqueness of the real “you.”

The answers already lie inside each of us. And those answers are detailed in a design in which the Universe is the architect, a design of the person you were programmed to be, your Human Design. Every participant in the event “The Power is Within You” will receive a 10-page document representing their Blueprint for life – a blueprint of their personality. Once they’ve become acquainted with this information, they will know whether the life they are living fits their design or not.

So, if you are looking for a very efficient “self-development” me time, if you are looking for a place with guides that can help you restore your balance and self-confidence, if you are asking yourself, “Who am I”, or “What is my purpose”? “What am I doing here”? 

The Power is Within You is the right place to be. 

Limited spots available.

Energy exchange – AED 499/person

For bookings, payments and clarifications, please send an email to 

Your spiritual guides 


Certified life coach specialized in dating, relationships, Human Design coach, TikTok content creator, blogger, and the host of the Best Talk in Town a Live dating & relationships show on TikTok airing every Tuesday at 10 pm Dubai GST. 

After two decades of experiences, trauma, mistakes, lessons learned, and dysfunctional but also successful relationships, my mission is to spread positivity, give hope, support, help, and empower men and women on their love journey.

With my knowledge, experience, commitment and guidance, we will team up and find answers to your questions. We will find clarity and get to the end of that tunnel where there is always light.

Whether single, dating, in a relationship, married, or separated, my approach is goal-oriented and future-thinking, which will deliver structure, achievements, and powerful results at a time when all these may be lacking.

On top of it, I also work with many people that have a challenge beating their fears and getting out of their comfort zone, whether it is about quitting a job, moving to a new country, learning to spend time with themselves, or leaving a toxic partnership. 

About Iris in a nutshell

I am a Romanian girl living in beautiful and sunny Dubai and am the proud owner of two one-way tickets.

I believe we are the creators and designers of our own lives, but to achieve great things and create the life we dream of, we must break those walls and get out of our comfort zone. And magic will happen.


Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Certified Health Coach, Nutritionist, Wellness Ambassador 

During her life, Daniela was amazed when she saw so many people going for jobs that they did not like, getting sick often because of stress, forgetting what the joy of living is, and forgetting what happiness is. She also fell into the rat race trap, had a corporate job, embraced stress, and her health and spark started diminishing. This is the moment when she realised she needed to change something in her life. 

She started with courses in self-development, nutrition, health and life coaching, meditation, and fitness just to find the right tools for mental, physical, and emotional health for her to come back to herself, regain her health and embrace life with a purpose.

Achieving that for herself, Daniela is on a mission to inspire, empower and motivate people to live a more balanced, happy, and abundant life.

In her yoga practice, she combines yoga asana with mindfulness and meditation for the best results. 

Yoga styles: 

Vinyasa Yoga

Power Yoga

Restorative yoga

What will you gain from these yoga & meditation sessions?

Improvement in flexibility, strength, and balance

Relaxation and better sleep

Stress relief

Better self-care 

A feel-good energy

Awareness of your body, mind and emotions

Reflection time

Letting go of burdens of the past 

Future visualisation


What to expect

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